Skip Bins and How Best to Hire them
News > Skip Bins and How Best to Hire them
Skip bins can be ordered as easy as ABC on Bins Skips Waste and Recycling's website. Here are the basic steps to help identify the information you need to hire one. This Information is used to fill in the Panel Get Prices Instantly.
A - Service Waste Type
The simple place to start is to identify the materials you want to put in the rubbish skip. Is the material of a single type or is it a combination of different waste types. Most providers of skip bins offer to dispose of one or more of the following waste types:
In some instances the Bricks, Concrete or Green waste are based on recycling options and might be more cost effective. Where these options are available it is also worth considering organising skip bins rather than a single one so you can keep these materials separate to reduce disposal costs when they are emptied.
Consider carefully whether you take advantage of light mixed waste skip hire services as they often have weight limits associated with them, as well as other limitations. These limitations will vary by operator and location, and may relate to the type of waste placed in them like carpet, tiles, gyprock or large and heavy tree trucks or branches. Falling outside the limitations of the light mixed waste conditions usually results in the entire load being treated as Heavy waste or additional charges could be incurred for the extra weight of the waste. Choosing the heavy mixed waste disposal in the first place is often the better choice.
Also take care not to place restricted or hazardous materials in your skips as you are likely to find that you will be charged for the worst case material. An example of this is asbestos, where even the smallest amount can cause the whole load to be treated as asbestos which could be an expensive mistake.
B - Skip Bin Sizes
Often the hardest part of organising services is estimating the bin sizes you need.
Here is a good example of when size does count. Get a bin that's too small and you will need to order more at a later stage.
As most skip bin sizes are described by their volume in terms of cubic metres, all you need to do is visualise what a cubic metre is. If you are not sure get your tape measure out and draw a square 1m by 1m on the ground. Now all you have to visualise is 1m high and you have 1 cubic metre. So how many of these do you think you will fill. That is the number of cubic metres you should get as a minimum.
Getting a rubbish skip that is larger than you think you need is probably better than getting one that's too small. You will often find that some additional waste appears to fill any extra space you have anyway.
C - Skip Bin Hire Period
Skip hire operators have different hire periods. Some may be only 3-days, many are 7-days and a few offer longer periods like 10-days (especially if it is a large service). Consider carefully how long you will need it for based on the volume of waste, the time you have a available and the effort that will be required to move the waste into the skips. Consider, most wheelbarrows are about 100-110 litre capacity or about 1/10 of a cubic metre (which is 1,000 litres). So to fill a 2 cubic metre skip bin will take about 20 wheelbarrow loads. For the more ambitious, a 6m3 is 60 wheelbarrows worth.
Now with is information you are ready to book skip bins on our website.